About Us


A living heritage with a future vision.

The Message:

Preserving, documenting and rehabilitating the Architectural heritage of the United Arab Emirates and spreading heritage awareness.


  • Our heritage is our identity.
  • He who has no past has no present and no future.
  • Transparency in dealing with all local and international bodies to serve our goals.
  • Team work and coordination of efforts.
  • Encouraging creative initiatives in the field of urban heritage.


The Society Goals

  • Spreading awareness of the importance of preserving the Architectural heritage.
  • Providing a mechanism for cooperation between official authorities and public institutions interested in preserving the Architectural heritage.
  • Providing advice and consultation to the concerned authorities in the country regarding the preservation of the Architectural heritage and the enrichment of the tourism value of the historical buildings.
  • Active participation and work on the issuance of legislation and laws to preserve the urban heritage at the federal and local levels.
  • Documenting, studying and disseminating information related to Architectural heritage, technical methods, policies and legislation related to its preservation.
  • Establishing a center for documenting, recording and studying the Architectural heritage in the country.
  • Preparing and coordinating training and educational programs for specialists and those interested in Architectural heritage.
  • Issuing bulletins and a periodical magazine in the field of Architectural heritage preservation.
  • Coordination with educational bodies and institutions to include Architectural heritage in educational curricula in the country.
  • Participation with the concerned authorities to register historical sites and buildings in the records of the state and the records of international organizations.
  • Coordination and cooperation with relevant regional and international organizations, bodies, institutions, centers and councils.
  • Active participation in conferences, seminars and workshops concerned with preserving the Architectural heritage inside and outside the country.
  • Follow up on the implementation of international recommendations related to the preservation of Architectural heritage.
  • Preparing, contributing and participating in various activities that achieve the objectives of the Society.

Future Projects

Restoration & rehabilitation of historical buildings.

Encyclopedia of historical buildings in the Emirates.

Architectural Heritage Award.

Architectural Heritage Conference.