Strategic Plan

Strategic Direction One: Preserving the Architectural Heritage

Establish criteria for identifying historic buildings

  • Forming a committee of experts to determine the criteria for historic buildings.
  • Setting standards for historic buildings.
  • Coordination with the relevant authorities in the country in setting specific standards for historical buildings.

Coordination with the relevant authorities in the country in setting specific standards for historical buildings.

  • Forming a committee of experts to determine what can be surveyed, documented and recorded from historical sites and buildings.
  • Contribute with the concerned authorities in the survey of historical buildings.
  • Supervising the survey of at least two historic buildings each year.
  • Issuing a brochure for each building that the society supervises to survey.
  • Issuing an annual bulletin on the buildings that the society supervised or contributed to surveying
  • Issuance of a documentary film on historical buildings.
  • Publish on the society’s website the results of the survey of the buildings that the society supervised or contributed to surveying.
  • Publishing the documentation of the buildings that were surveyed by the society in a specialized magazine locally.
  • Publishing the documentation of the buildings that were surveyed by the Society in a specialized journal internationally.

Contribute to the restoration of heritage sites and buildings.

  • Forming a committee of experts to set standards for qualifying consultants and contractors to practice the profession of restoring historical sites.
  • Contribute to the restoration of heritage sites or buildings.
  • Setting standards for qualifying consultants and contractors to practice the profession of restoring historical sites and buildings.
  • Supervising the restoration of heritage sites or buildings.
  • Contribute with the concerned authorities to the issuance of a guide for the restoration of heritage buildings for specialists.
  • Issuing a guide to the restoration of historical buildings for private individuals.

The second strategic direction: management and rehabilitation of historical areas & sites

Contributing to the rehabilitation of historical sites

  • Work to contribute to the rehabilitation of a historic building.

Management and operation of some historical sites

  • Work to contribute to the operation of a historic building.

The third strategic direction: spreading heritage awarenes

Awareness of society groups about the importance of preserving the urban heritage

  • Printing books on various topics in architectural and urban preservation.
  • Print a CD on selected topics.
  • Print brochures on selected topics.
  • Printing a map of historical sites and buildings in the Emirates in Arabic and English.
  • Organizing awareness lectures on various topics related to Architectural heritage in both Arabic and English.
  • Organizing specialized seminars in coordination with specialized departments.
  • Contribute to the organization of an international conference in the field of architectural and Architectural preservation.
  • Issuing the association's periodic newsletter in Arabic and English.
  • Develop and periodically update the Society’s website.
  • Communicate with the community and members by sending an e-mail about selected topics and news.
  • Organizing heritage competitions for school students to spread heritage awareness.
  • Organizing visits to heritage sites inside and outside the country for school students and members of the society.
  • Organizing VIP visits.
  • Organizing heritage exhibitions in coordination.
  • Contribute to the introduction of Architectural conservation in educational curricula.

Revitalization of traditional crafts and industries

  • Organizing courses to revive traditional crafts: an example of a gypsum engraving course and a wood engraving course.
  • Organizing a course in the restoration of historical buildings: reviving skills and how to use traditional building materials.

Fourth Strategic Direction: Effective and Effective Association

Developing the organizational structure to serve the objectives of the society

  • Set a time for sub-structures meetings.

Human resource development

  • Increasing the number of members of the society.
  • Organizing training courses for the active members of the society.

Development of financial resources

  • Set a budget for the society at the end of each year to finance its activities.
  • Collecting the financial resources of the society to cover its duties and activities.
  • Covering the expenses of the association within the limit of 95% of the costs of the activities.

Performance appraisal and areas for improvement according to the Balance Scorecard performance matrix

  • Determining the elements of the performance matrix and performance indicators.
  • Measuring management performance according to the performance matrix.
  • Identify areas for improvement and development.